Регистратор компаний Великобритании

Практические руководства и инструкции, изданные Регистрационной палатой компаний Великобритании (the UK Companies House). Описывают процесс оформления устава, подачи документов и форм, оплаты пошлин, назначения должностных лиц (директоров и секретарей) и другие практические вопросы. Полный текст оригинала на английском языке.

Воскресенье, 30 июня 2019 апдейт:

5. How to apply for strike off and who to tell

You must complete a form DS01 - Striking off application by a company.

The form must be signed and dated by:

the sole director, if there is only one

by both directors, if there are two

by all directors, or the majority of directors, if there are more than two

It will help Companies House if you provide the name, address, and telephone number of the person we should contact if we have any queries about the application. Contact information provided on the form will appear on the company’s public record.

Depending on where the company was registered, you should send the completed form, with the £10 fee, to Companies House, Cardiff, Edinburgh or Belfast. Make cheques payable to ‘Companies House’ and write the company number on the reverse. Cheques should not be payable from the account of the company applying for strike-off.

The fee of £10 is payable to cover the cost of providing the service. The fee will not be refunded if the application is withdrawn after it has been registered. A further fee will be payable for a new application.

5.1 Who to tell about the strike off application

The directors who make the application must, within 7 days of sending the application to the registrar, send a copy to:

members, usually the shareholders

creditors, including all existing and likely creditors such as:



former employees if the company owes them money

landlords or tenants (for example, where a bond is refundable)


personal injury claimants

HMRC and Department of Work and Pensions (DWP)


managers or trustees of any employee pension fund

any directors who have not signed the form

The company’s directors must also send a copy of the application to any person who, at any time after the application has been made, becomes a:





manager or trustee of any employee pension fund

This must be done within 7 days of the person becoming one of these.

This obligation continues until the dissolution of the company or the withdrawal of the application. You’ll be committing an offence by not sending the notice to the relevant parties, and could face a fine or, in the most serious cases, a maximum of a 7 year prison sentence.

5.2 How to tell interested parties about the strike off application

You can post a copy of the completed ‘Striking off application by a company’ form DS01 to, or leave it at:

the last known address (if an individual)

the principal / registered office (if a company or other body)

You can also make a creditor of the company aware of the application by leaving a copy of it at, or posting a copy of it to, the place of business with which the company has had dealings in relation to the current debts, for example, the branch from where you ordered goods or which invoiced you.

If there is more than one such place of business, you should deliver a copy of the application to each of those places. It is advisable to keep proof of delivery or posting.

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