Регистратор компаний Великобритании

Практические руководства и инструкции, изданные Регистрационной палатой компаний Великобритании (the UK Companies House). Описывают процесс оформления устава, подачи документов и форм, оплаты пошлин, назначения должностных лиц (директоров и секретарей) и другие практические вопросы. Полный текст оригинала на английском языке.

Registrars rules and powers

Последнее обновление: Четверг, 19 сентября 2019


The registrar of companies has a range of powers which are in Part 35 of the Companies Act 2006 (the Act). That legislation is applied to limited liability partnerships (LLPs)…
Последнее обновление: Среда, 03 июля 2019

Chapter 1 Powers which relate to the delivery of information

Header Chapter 1 Powers which relate to the delivery of information Alias chapter-1-powers-which-relate-to-the-delivery-of-information Fulltext 1.What do we mean by form, authentication & manner of delivery of documents? Companies and LLPs…
Последнее обновление: Четверг, 04 июля 2019

Chapter 2 Powers to amend the register

The Act specifies the circumstances where the register can be amended or clarified. In most cases the circumstances are very specific and the registrar's powers are limited. This chapter sets…
1.Agreement for delivery by electronic means: the PROOF process (Section 1070) PROOF stands for PROtected On line Filing. A company or LLP can enter into an agreement with the registrar…
1.What happens to the documents I send to Companies House? We scan the documents and forms you deliver to us to produce an electronic image. We then store the original…
1.How do I deliver information to Companies House? For full details of all the ways of delivering documents to Companies House, electronically or on paper, please refer to the registrar's…

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