Пятница, 02 августа 2019

3. Recommendations

3.76 The statutory guidance we recommend would build on the work that has already been done in both sector-specific guidance and risk assessments under the Money Laundering Regulations 2017 identifying indicative factors specific to each sector. Such guidance would benefit from a more collaborative approach which would also meet the needs of law enforcement agencies and the UKFIU. It could also ensure that common language is developed to assist law enforcement agencies with making the best use of these reports. In order to be most effective, we have concluded that the Secretary of State should be advised by a Board whose constitution and expertise reflects the diverse range of stakeholders involved in the consent regime. By constituting a Board with responsibility for the oversight of the regime, it will make the scheme more responsive and agile as developments occur by drawing on a range of expertise to make necessary changes.

Recommendation 3.

3.77 We recommend that POCA is amended to impose an obligation on the Secretary of State to issue guidance covering the operation of Part 7 of POCA so far as it relates to businesses in the regulated sector. In particular, guidance should be provided on the suspicion threshold, appropriate consent and reasonable excuse to assist the regulated sector in complying with their legal obligations.

3.78 We also recommend that an expert Board is established to advise the Secretary of State. Membership of the Board should include representatives spanning a broad cross-section of the reporting sector, law enforcement agencies, Government and other members that may provide specific expertise. The Board should be established for an initial period of 5 years with the option to extend its life.

Recommendation 4.

3.79 We recommend that an Advisory Board is created, the constitution of which should include relevant experts such as representatives from the reporting sector, law enforcement agencies, Government and other relevant experts. Its role should be:

(1) to assist in the production of statutory guidance;

(2) to consult on monitoring the effectiveness of the reporting regime and to make recommendations to the Secretary of State as appropriate.

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