Практические руководства и инструкции, изданные Регистрационной палатой компаний Великобритании (the UK Companies House). Описывают процесс оформления устава, подачи документов и форм, оплаты пошлин, назначения должностных лиц (директоров и секретарей) и другие практические вопросы. Полный текст оригинала на английском языке.
1. About this guidance
2. When a company can apply to be struck off the register
3. When a company cannot apply to be struck off the register
4. Before you apply for strike off
5. How to apply for strike off and who to tell
6. What Companies House does with the strike off application
7. How the Gazette publishes notices about strike off or restoration
8. Withdrawal of the strike off application
9. Offences and penalties
10. Companies no longer carrying on business or in operation
11. Objecting to a company’s dissolution
12. Restoration by court order
13. Administrative restoration
14. Background information and legislation
Company Restoration Guide